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    Project Management Quickstart 1 Day | 7 hours | $625 PLUS TAX

    In this introductory course, students learn all of the basics of project management. Perfect for small-group team leaders, you will finish this course with a solid understanding of the project management process, and the components at each stage in the process. This course is engaging and easy to follow. It is perfect for people using online apps like Basecamp or Asana. Prerequisite: None. 

    Getting Started with Project Management

    • » the characteristics of a project
    • » the project management life cycle
    • » the role of a project manager

    Initiating a Project

    • » deciding whether a project is required
    • » determining the scope of a project
    • » project team skills required
    • » identifing the risks to a project

    Planning for Success

    • » creating a work breakdown structure
    • » planning the sequence of activities
    • » creating a project schedule
    • » determining project costs

    Planning for Project Risks, Communications, and Change Control

    • » project risk analysis and mitigation
    • » creating a communication plan
    • » planning for change control

    Managing a Project

    • » initiate project work
    • » executing the project plan
    • » tracking project progress
    • » performance reports
    • » monitor change control

    Closing the Project

    • » closing a project
    • » creating a close out report

    Reviewing software options

    • » how this relates to your software
    • Online:
    • Aug 19
    • Sep 05
    • Oct 14
    • Nov 22
    • Dec 16