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Contact Us

    Where is it?

    Due to Covid-19, all courses
    are online in real time with
    a real instructor.

    What’s included

    Why choose us?

    Training Calgary - Money Back Guarantee
    Most classes are guaranteed to run. Training is available on your choice of Mac or PC.

    Adobe Acrobat – Essentials « click for details
    2 Days | 14 hours | $795 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Basic computer skills.

    This course is hands-on -- you will learn to create, edit, and combine PDF documents for distribution, collaboration, and data collection. It sounds daunting, but this app has a LOT of features that will make your day easier. In class, we’ll make sure you have enough practice to feel completely comfortable when you start working with Acrobat back at the office. Includes eForms. 


    • Online:
    • Aug 28-29
    • Oct 23-24
    • Nov 18-19
    • Dec 19-20
    More dates

    Adobe Acrobat – eForms « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $550 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Acrobat Essentials or equivalent experience.

    This hands on course teaches you how to create fillable user-friendly e-forms, from basic survey forms to order forms that calculate tax and shipping. You’ll practice creating buttons to submit, reset, and print e-forms. The course includes practice exercises so you remember the lessons learned. 


    • Online:
    • Aug 29
    • Oct 24
    • Nov 19
    • Dec 20
    More dates

    Accessible PDFs « click for details
    1 Day | 7 hours | $550 PLUS TAX

    Prerequisite: Students should have a solid understanding of the basics in Acrobat.

    This class takes you through the process of creating accessible PDF files using Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign plus Adobe Acrobat Professional. Multiple document types are covered - graphics, tables, text-based documents and forms. The course covers guidleines, useful tips, and current standards for compliance. 


    • Online:
    • Runs on request. Please call for dates.
    More dates

    Worth every penny. The techniques and creative add-ons were presented in an easy-to-understand format and the personalized setting allowed us to get the most out of the training. The resource materials allowed us to continue to learn and enhance our skills even after leaving the course. Fantastic! Lori

    Cancellation & Rescheduling Policy

    Plans change, and we can accommodate all reasonable requests. Sometimes there are hard costs
    involved but we’ll work with you to reduce or avoid them altogether. Please direct all cancellation
    and rescheduling emails to

